ASD Market Week 2024
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ASD Market Week 2024

Welcome to ASD Market Week 2024 in Las Vegas—the beating heart of product sourcing for e-commerce sellers.

As someone who’s been sourcing products for e-commerce for years, I can tell you that nothing quite compares to the energy and opportunity of ASD. This year, I sent a team of experts, and we invited some of our exclusive members to Vegas to scope out the scene. Their stories? Well, let’s just say they came back with more than just business cards and free pens!

From household gadgets that’ll make you wonder how you ever lived without them to the kind of connections that can turn a side hustle into a full-blown empire, ASD had it all. And trust me, whether you’re pulling in six figures on Amazon or still figuring out how to set up your first online store, there’s something here for you.

First Impressions: Stepping into a World of Possibility

Imagine walking into a room so vast you can’t see the other end. That’s ASD. The sheer scale of the event is enough to make your head spin. Mark Chaney, CEO of Cartzy, summed up his initial reaction:

“You walk into this massive setting with vendors as far as the eye can see. It takes a lot of steps to find the real gems, but they’re absolutely there.”

For first-time attendees, the experience can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Teddy Zhou, a member of our group, shared:

“The real-life environment forces you to learn, talk to suppliers, and see products up close. You learn so much more in person than you ever could from online training or video calls.”

The diversity of products on display is truly mind-boggling. From everyday household items to cutting-edge gadgets, the show floor is like a physical manifestation of a global marketplace. For e-commerce entrepreneurs, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity. The key is to approach the event with a clear strategy and an open mind.

Angel, Head of Buyers Club, was impressed by the energy at this year’s event:

“The floor was buzzing with activity. There were so many new suppliers this time, especially those gearing up for the holiday season. It was great to see the industry thriving and adapting. We had the chance to have really meaningful conversations with vendors, which is exactly what we came for.”

Navigating the Show: Strategies for Success

With such a vast array of products and vendors, having a solid game plan is crucial. Our team employed several strategies to make the most of their time at ASD:

  • Embrace technology: ASD has stepped up its tech game to enhance the attendee experience. One of our Blueprint Academy members, Ani, raved about the ASD app:”The app was a game-changer. It had the entire catalog of vendors at ASD. When we got back to the hotel and couldn’t remember the names of some people we talked to, I just pulled up the app, found them, and jotted down some notes. Super helpful!”
  • Divide and conquer: For teams attending ASD, splitting up to cover more ground can be a winning strategy. Mark explained their approach:”We had four team members spread out across the show floor. It’s almost necessary to have a team if you want to cover everything thoroughly.”
  • Set clear objectives: Knowing what you’re looking for helps you filter through the noise. Ralph, another Blueprint Academy member in our group, shared his focus:
    “I’m always asking about sales volumes and profit margins. You need to know your numbers going in, so you can quickly assess if a product is worth pursuing.”
  • Take notes and stay organized: Keeping track of the vendors you meet and the products you’re interested in is crucial. Ani described her system:”I have a little notebook where I stick business cards and jot down notes about each vendor—things like minimum order quantities and their specific requirements. It helps me remember who’s who when I’m following up later.”
  • Quality over quantity: While it’s tempting to try and see everything, focusing on finding high-quality suppliers and products is more valuable. Angel emphasized this point:”You have to sift through a lot to find the good ones. We have a list of criteria we ask about right off the bat. It helps us quickly identify promising suppliers and not waste time on dead ends.”

These strategies help attendees navigate the vast expanse of ASD more effectively, maximizing their chances of finding those hidden gems that can transform their businesses.

The Power of Face-to-Face: Building Lasting Relationships

As e-commerce sellers, we spend our days hunched over laptops, juggling supplier emails, and obsessing over Amazon rankings. It’s all too easy to forget the value of a firm handshake and a face-to-face conversation. But at ASD, these face-to-face conversations become the catalyst for real breakthroughs. A quick chat by a booth can turn into a profitable long-term supplier relationship, or a passing comment might reveal a market trend you hadn’t considered before.

Teddy Zhou highlighted this benefit:

“When you’re talking to suppliers in person, you feel like you’re really doing business. You can negotiate, ask questions, and get a feel for who you’re dealing with. It’s totally different from exchanging emails.”

Angel echoed this sentiment:

“Meeting suppliers face-to-face is crucial. They get bombarded with emails every day. But when you’re standing right in front of them, you can make a real connection.”

These in-person chats aren’t just small talk. A casual mention of supply chain issues over coffee could save you from a costly inventory mistake. A shared laugh about a packaging fail might lead to a joint venture down the line. These in-person meetings offer several key advantages:

These face-to-face meetups are your chance to cut through the noise. You can spot a shady supplier from a mile away when they’re sweating under your direct questions. And those “unbeatable deals” online? You’d be surprised how much wiggle room appears when you’re haggling in person. As Ralph pointed out, “You can often get special discounts for orders placed at the show.”

Meeting people in person builds trust too. Suppliers are more likely to share valuable insights about upcoming products or industry trends in a face-to-face conversation than they would in an email.

Ralph shared a heartwarming story:

“We ended up spending so much time with some vendors that by the end, we were hugging goodbye. You don’t get that kind of relationship from an email chain.”

Face-to-face meetings allow for immediate clarification of any questions or concerns, speeding up the decision-making process.

These personal connections can be the difference between a one-time transaction and a long-term, mutually beneficial partnership. Where e-commerce competition is fierce and margins can be tight, these relationships can give you a significant edge.

Spotting Trends and Seizing Opportunities

One of the most valuable aspects of attending ASD is getting a bird’s-eye view of current market trends and upcoming opportunities. Our team members shared some of the trends they observed:

  • Seasonal and holiday products: Angel noted the focus on seasonal items:”There were lots of suppliers showcasing products for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. It’s a great opportunity to plan ahead for the holiday rush.”
  • Everyday essentials: Mark Chaney observed a trend towards household staples:”There was a strong presence of everyday items that people always need. These kinds of products can provide steady sales throughout the year.”
  • Home and lifestyle products: With people spending more time at home, products that enhance the home environment continue to be popular. Ralph mentioned seeing a wide variety of home goods on display.
  • Health and wellness: Products related to personal care and wellness were prominently featured, reflecting growing consumer interest in this area.
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable Items: Several team members noted an increase in products marketed as environmentally friendly or sustainable, indicating a growing trend in this direction.

While these trends offer exciting opportunities, it’s important to remember that not every product is suitable for every business model. As Mark Chaney pointed out:

“The vendors that really stood out were the ones that fit our specific needs. They had quality products in large quantities and were open to online marketplace selling.”

Challenges and Considerations

Let’s get real for a second: ASD is a beast. A glorious, opportunity-filled beast, but a beast nonetheless. While ASD offers tremendous opportunities, it’s not without its challenges. Being aware of these potential hurdles can help attendees prepare more effectively:

Information overload? The sheer volume of products and vendors can be overwhelming. It’s crucial to have a system for processing and organizing all the information you gather.

It’s like drinking from a fire hose. You’ll be bombarded with so many products, pitches, and possibilities that your head will spin. My secret weapon? A voice recorder app. I just ramble my thoughts as I go, then sort through the gold later.

Quality’s a whole other ball game. In a sea of “revolutionary” products, finding the real deal is like… well, finding a needle in a stack of slightly different needles. Trust your gut, but verify with your brain. I once almost pulled the trigger on a “miracle” gadget only to realize it was held together with hopes and dreams.

Now, platform compatibility—that’s where things get tricky. What flies on eBay might not work as well on Amazon or Walmart. Just know your platform’s rulebook inside and out.

MOQs used to keep me up at night. But Angel—bless her genius—cracked that code. “Team up,” she says. And she’s right. It’s like e-commerce carpooling, and suddenly, those scary minimum orders become a walk in the park.

Post-show follow-up. This is important. I’ve watched potential goldmines slip through fingers because someone couldn’t be bothered to send a simple email. Don’t be that someone.

Time at ASD is like money in Vegas—it disappears faster than you can blink. I’ve missed meetings with game-changing suppliers because I got caught up in the “just one more vendor” trap. Rookie mistake.

But at the end of the day, these challenges are your ticket to the big leagues. Master them, and you’ll be lapping the competition before they even tie their shoes.

Leveraging ASD for Business Growth

ASD isn’t just a product bonanza; it’s a launchpad for scaling your e-commerce empire. Our team came back buzzing with ideas and connections that are already reshaping our business strategies and growth trajectories. Here’s how our team members are using their ASD experience to fuel their business expansion:

Mark Chaney emphasized the increase in supplier connections: “We were able to procure probably three times as many suppliers from this visit than from the one in March.” This growth in supplier relationships can dramatically expand product offerings.

Face-to-face interactions at ASD often lead to better deals. As Angel pointed out, “Meeting suppliers in person, because emailing is just emailing. They get a million emails a day, so creating that in-person connection is important.”

Regular attendance helps businesses stay informed about industry changes. Ralph observed, “Every year is so different, like even March was different from this past trip. When was it? That was August, right? Yeah, from March to August, because they’re slowly trying to build back up after COVID.”

ASD also exposes attendees to new opportunities. Ani discovered a tool for expanding to other platforms: “We did run into a really good vendor called Wally Lister, and they had a really cool service where you could scan your products. You can just like, if you had a QR code or something, you could just scan it, and they would input it into their system, and they would automatically list it onto Walmart for you.”

The event contributes to personal growth too. Ani reflected, “It definitely helps make me more confident in talking in general just to people and being able to not fear asking questions either.”

Angel highlighted the deeper understanding gained about e-commerce processes: “I think they’ve realized that there’s so much more to it than just buying a product and throwing it on Amazon. So it’s kind of made them see the value of Buyers Club, but it’s also made them understand how the whole process, like the whole supply chain, works from beginning to end, which I think is invaluable.”

Preparing for Future ASD Events

For those inspired to attend future ASD events, proper preparation is key to maximizing the experience. Here are some tips and strategies shared by our attendees:

Set clear objectives: Before attending, define what you want to achieve. Angel advises:

“We have our kind of criteria of things that we ask right off hand so that we know if they’re promising right away, so that we don’t waste our time.”

Research and plan: Familiarize yourself with the layout and schedule of the event. Ralph explains:

“We print the map out ahead of time. We highlight where we’re going, who’s going where, and then we keep a very detailed Excel spreadsheet of who spoke with whom, the notes what the outcome is, and if we want to work with them.”

Prepare your questions: Having key questions ready can help you make the most of vendor interactions. Ani shares:

“I have a little notebook that I get people’s cards, and I take their cards into the notebook and write down notes about the vendor, like their MOQ and kind of what their requirements were for us as the purchasers.”

Utilize technology: Take advantage of the ASD app and other tech tools. Ani found the app particularly useful.

“ASD released an app, and so that app was actually really neat being able to use because I basically had the whole catalog of all the different vendors who were at ASD in that app.”

Network with fellow attendees: Don’t just focus on vendors; connect with other attendees as well. Teddy Zhou highlighted:

“I think it’s a really great opportunity to network with a BPA member. It’s a very valuable experience. And, yeah, it feels better when you go with your buddies.”

Be open to new opportunities. While having a plan is important, be ready to explore unexpected opportunities. Ralph shared:

“I’m always open to, you know, those types of thought processes.”

Follow up promptly: After the event, follow up with your new contacts quickly. Ralph emphasized:

“We keep a very detailed Excel spreadsheet of who spoke with whom, the notes of what the outcome is, and if we want to work with them.”

Consider attending multiple days: ASD runs for several days, and each day can offer different experiences. Micah, Ralph’s son, was already looking forward to the next event:

“Now, when’s the other one? It’s in March, isn’t it? We’re going to go to that one too, aren’t we?”

Step out of your comfort zone. Ani advises first-time attendees:

“To definitely step out of your comfort zone, and I would have a list of questions that you want to ask and memorize those before you get to ASD.”

Consider bringing a team: If possible, attending with a team can help you cover more ground. Mark Chaney explained:

“We had four of us from our executive team. We were able to kind of spread out and do this kind of divide and conquer, you will… That’s kind of required, you know, in order to do this.”

The Impact of ASD on E-commerce Businesses

Attending ASD can have a profound impact on e-commerce businesses, especially for those in the online retail and wholesale space. Here’s how our interviewees see ASD influencing their businesses and the industry at large:

  1. Product discovery: ASD is unparalleled in its ability to help businesses discover new products. With thousands of suppliers under one roof, it’s a goldmine for product sourcing.
  2. Relationship building: The face-to-face interactions at ASD allow for deeper, more meaningful connections with suppliers and industry peers. These relationships can be a valuable asset for your business in the long run.
  3. Industry insights: By attending regularly, you can stay ahead of trends and gain a deeper understanding of the e-commerce landscape. This knowledge can inform your business strategies and help you anticipate market shifts.
  4. Business growth: From improving profit margins to diversifying sales channels, ASD can be a catalyst for significant business growth. Many attendees report that connections made at ASD have led to substantial increases in their product offerings and sales.
  5. Competitive advantage: The connections and insights gained at ASD can give businesses a significant edge. You might discover a unique product or forge a relationship with a supplier before your competitors do.
  6. Efficiency improvements: Meeting multiple suppliers in one place can dramatically streamline your sourcing process. Instead of exchanging countless emails and phone calls, you can get answers and make decisions on the spot.
  7. Inspiration and innovation: Exposure to such a wide variety of products and businesses can spark new ideas for your own company. You might find inspiration for new product lines, marketing strategies, or business models.
  8. Professional development: Attending ASD is a form of hands-on education in the world of retail and e-commerce. The knowledge and skills you gain can benefit your business for years to come.

The Future of ASD and E-commerce Trade Shows

As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, so too does the role of trade shows like ASD. Our interviewees shared their thoughts on the future of ASD and similar events:

  1. Increased focus on e-commerce: While ASD caters to a wide range of businesses, there’s a growing emphasis on e-commerce. As online retail continues to grow, we can expect ASD and similar events to cater more specifically to online sellers.
  2. Integration of technology: The ASD app was widely praised by attendees, and we can expect to see more technological innovations in future events. These might include virtual reality product demos, AI-powered matchmaking between buyers and sellers, or augmented reality navigation of the show floor.
  3. More specialized events: While ASD covers a wide range of products, there’s growing interest in more specialized events. We might see spin-off events focusing on specific product categories or market segments.
  4. Hybrid events: While the value of face-to-face interactions is clear, we might see more hybrid events that combine in-person and virtual elements, allowing for broader participation and extended engagement beyond the physical event.
  5. Greater educational component: There’s potential for ASD and similar events to incorporate more educational sessions and workshops, providing additional value to attendees beyond product sourcing.
  6. Increased international presence: As global e-commerce continues to grow, we can expect to see more international suppliers and attendees at events like ASD, reflecting the increasingly global nature of online retail.
  7. Sustainability focus: With growing consumer interest in eco-friendly and sustainable products, future ASD events might place greater emphasis on these types of offerings.

Why ASD is a Must-Attend Event for E-commerce Entrepreneurs

As we’ve explored throughout this article, ASD Market Week offers a unique and valuable experience for e-commerce entrepreneurs. From the vast array of products and suppliers to the invaluable face-to-face connections, ASD provides opportunities that simply can’t be replicated in the digital realm.

The insights shared by our team members highlight the multifaceted benefits of attending ASD:

  1. Product discovery: With thousands of suppliers under one roof, ASD is an unparalleled opportunity to discover new products and expand your catalog.
  2. Relationship building: The face-to-face interactions at ASD allow for deeper, more meaningful connections with suppliers and industry peers.
  3. Industry insights: By attending regularly, you can stay ahead of trends and gain a deeper understanding of the e-commerce landscape.
  1. Business growth: From improving profit margins to diversifying sales channels, ASD can be a catalyst for significant business expansion.
  2. Personal development: Beyond the business benefits, attending ASD can contribute to personal growth and confidence building.

As Ralph eloquently put it:

“Nothing beats a handshake and a face-to-face conversation. We even ended up hugging some vendors goodbye. You just can’t build that kind of relationship through email.”

While attending ASD requires an investment of time and resources, the potential returns—both tangible and intangible—make it a worthwhile endeavor for serious e-commerce entrepreneurs. As you plan your business strategy for the coming year, consider making ASD a key part of your growth plan.

Remember, success in e-commerce isn’t just about what you sell; it’s about the connections you make, the insights you gain, and the strategies you develop. ASD offers a unique opportunity to strengthen all of these aspects of your business.

So, whether you’re an experienced online seller looking to expand your product line, a wholesale business aiming to build stronger supplier relationships, or an e-commerce newcomer seeking to understand the industry better, ASD has something to offer you.

As you’ve seen from the experiences shared in this article, attending ASD can be a game-changing experience. Why not see for yourself? Mark your calendar for the next ASD Market Week, and prepare to take your e-commerce business to new heights.

After all, in the fast-paced world of online retail, showing up is half the battle, and ASD is definitely a place worth showing up to.

Final Thoughts: Making the Most of Your ASD Experience

As you prepare for your ASD adventure, keep these final tips in mind:

  1. Set realistic expectations: ASD is huge, and you won’t be able to see everything in one go. Prioritize what’s most important for your business.
  2. Be open-minded: Some of the best opportunities might come from unexpected places. Don’t be afraid to explore beyond your usual product categories.
  3. Take care of yourself! Comfortable shoes are a must! The show floor is massive, and you’ll be doing a lot of walking. Stay hydrated and take breaks when needed.
  4. Network, network, network: ASD isn’t just about products—it’s about people. Some of the most valuable takeaways might come from conversations with fellow attendees.
  5. Follow through: After the event, make sure to follow up on the connections you’ve made. A timely email or call can be the difference between a one-time interaction and a lasting business relationship.
  6. Reflect and strategize: After the show, take some time to review your notes, analyze the trends you observed, and plan how to incorporate your ASD discoveries into your business strategy.
  7. Share your experience: Consider sharing your ASD insights with your team or even your customers. Your experience could provide valuable insights for others in your network.
  8. Plan for next time: Start thinking about your next ASD visit even before you leave this one. What would you do differently? What areas would you like to explore more?

Remember, every ASD experience is unique, and what you get out of it largely depends on what you put into it. With the right preparation, mindset, and follow-through, ASD can be a transformative experience for your e-commerce business.

So, are you ready to join the thousands of entrepreneurs who have used ASD as a launching pad for their business success? The next ASD Market Week is just around the corner, and it could be the event that takes your e-commerce venture to the next level.

Don’t let this opportunity pass by. Start planning your ASD trip today and get ready to unlock a world of possibilities for your online business. Who knows? The next big thing in e-commerce might be waiting for you just around the corner at ASD Market Week.

See you on the show floor, and let me know your thoughts below! Have you attended ASD? What experiences, thoughts and business relationships did you take away from it?

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One Comment so far:

  1. ASD is a great show to walk and this reflects my experience. You can get signed up now for next March. Walk the floor and build your business!

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