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I'm all about 3 things:
1. Lifestyle 2. Financial Freedom 3. Flexibility
I got started as an Internet Marketer in 2005 SEARCHING for those 3 things. Since then, little by little, my life has changed for the better... click here for the full story.
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How To Boost Opt-Ins With An Irresistible Lead Magnet

Lead Magnets are a GREAT way to entice website visitors to sign up and become subscribers. But what works best as a lead magnet, and how can you use them to best effect? We dive DEEP into lead magnets in this blog post and share the best…
How To Outsource A Project From Start To Finish

In todays blog post I share a case study (and four over-the-shoulder videos) detailing exactly how you can outsource work on Upwork and Freelancer. You’ll see the job description, how I filtered through proposals, the project outcomes, and MUCH more…
How We’ll Make An Extra $1,000,000 In 2018

A new ‘land grab’ is here, and now is the time to cash in. 2018 will be remembered as the year that wholesale eCommerce changed forever, find out why in this blog post today…
Social Media Secrets & Influencer Marketing

Discover tips, tools, and tactics needed to effectively leverage Social Media and build your social marketing strategy today (video download available)…
The 10 Traps That Cost Me Over $1,000,000

Learn about the 10 big mistakes I made when I started my online business, and how you can shortcut your path to success. Discover what I’d do differently and avoid the traps I fell in to…
10 Things You Can Do Today To Grow Your Business

Want to inject some life into your business, or blast through your current plateau? This blog post will help. Discover 10 simple tips that can add more to your bottom line, while freeing up more of your time to focus on strategically growing your business…
Case Study: From ZERO to $108,000 Per Month…

$108,000 per MONTH… that’s the business that one of our students has built, with ONE simple eCommerce website. Discover how he did it, and what his vital metrics are in this blog post…
How To Find The Perfect Business Partner

Discover why I was opposed to getting a business partner, but why it was the single best business decision I have EVER made. Check out our top 5 “do’s and don’ts” and MUCH more…
Hack Your Way To A Better ROI

What’s one of the very best ways to boost profitability? Split testing! Discover the tools we use, see case studies, analyze real results, and download our 101 copywriting hacks report today…
The $65 BILLION Dollar Gold Rush (SEM Consulting)

One of the most stable and easy-to-start business models out there is ‘Search Engine Marketing’. In this blog post we dissect what it takes to run an SEM business, provide key resources, and share the kind of money you can earn…