How To Get 414 Top 20 Rankings (Student Interview)
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How To Get 414 Top 20 Rankings (Student Interview)

This update today is a bit out of the ordinary for a couple of reasons:

  1. I don’t normally make “mid-month” updates on
  2. Today isn’t really about learning from me, it’s about learning from one of my students

And the reason I’m making this update today is because I want you to know one thing

You Can Succeed Online

REGARDLESSΒ of where you come from, your experience, your age, your background, the language you speak, your technical skills, your results online so far, or your financial situation, you CAN succeed online. I know this for a fact because I’ve seen many people in all kinds of situations do it.

The only thing you really need is a little time…but you don’t even need much of that…you can definitely get started and build a decent income with just 10 hours per week (perhaps less).

And once the system gets momentum, the sky’s the limit.

Below is an 18 minute interview I recored a few days ago with Melissa, one of 13 people to participate in my last live training program.

Before you watch the video, I want you to know a few things:

  1. One year ago, Melissa didn’t even know how to build a website, she’s actually got NO background in internet marketing and no special technical skills.
  2. Melissa’s ranking success wasn’t a “fluke”…she’s now built THREE websites that are getting 100 visitors or more per day (including one that gets over 600 visitors per day)
  3. If Melissa can do this, SO CAN YOU.

Here’s the video of the interview (the audio isn’t great unfortunately, but it’s still worth listening to!):

Video Download Link: Right Click Here & Select “Save As” To Download This Video

I’ve also prepared a transcribed version of the interview (a PDF), you can download that below.

Interview PDF Transcript: Right Click Here & Select “Save As” To Download

“Hard Work” Isn’t Enough To Succeed Online…

And lastly, although it seems unfair, success doesn’t go to the person who “works the hardest” and “puts in the most hours”…if it was that simple, then the formula for big earnings online would be simple…just work harder, but it’s not the case…

Success goes to the person who works smartest and the person who avoids making “campaign destroying” mistakes along the way. Just something to think about.

I hope you’ve found this useful! If you’ve got any questions or comments, add them below, thanks for visiting.

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59 Comments so far:

  1. Mark says:

    Good motivating content as always Aidan, thanks.

  2. Janice says:

    Thanks for this Aidan! I’m so excited because I’ve had 3 sales on my AH Elite website in the past week – things are picking up – THANK YOU!

  3. Rob Cole says:

    Congratulations. I love hearing about success stories such as this.

  4. Martin says:

    Hi Aidan, the audio isn’t great but I could still make sense of it all – thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Martin, sorry about the audio issue…something went wrong with the recording, but as you say, most parts aren’t too bad. Thanks for the comment!

  5. Peter says:

    Hi Aidan, thanks for sharing this story. I felt a little moody this morning trying to find my way to results in IM and I can see I am doing the right things and found a few gems in this video too.



    • Aidan says:

      Glad it helped Peter – we all have days when we get frustrated, just keep moving forward, you will get there πŸ™‚

  6. Bogdan says:

    I hate Facebook and all social sites. I don’t like clicking and posting.

    It’s not fair for my sites SEO traffic to depend on these kind of social siles.

    I don’t use any social signal on my sites.

    • Aidan says:

      I know how you feel Bogdan, but unfortunately if we want top rankings, we need to play by Googles rules…

      • Bogdan says:

        For each site you recommend a Fan Page?

        Thank you!

        • Aidan says:

          Yes, I think it’s a good idea…nowadays it’s quite an important part of your link profile, and they’re so easy to make, that it just makes sense to set them up.

  7. Paul says:

    Hi Aidan,
    thanks for the video it was really useful to hear from a newbie and to see the success. Very useful information. Any chance you could re-record the audio?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Paul, I can’t re-record the audio unfortunately…I do have the transcript which you can download though πŸ™‚

  8. Kashem says:

    Thanks Aidan for the post. Her success will inspire others too . i really learnt the way she selected the color scheme of the site.

  9. herman says:

    Hi Aidan,

    Thanks for the video.
    I am from Indonesia.. thats for sharing this video.
    So excited, some one like me who english as 2nd language can do that’s..
    Very motivated…

    thank’s alot Aidan..

    • Aidan says:

      Absolutely Herman, people who speak English as a second language can definitely have success online, in fact if you want to, you don’t even need to write a single article πŸ™‚

  10. Vee says:

    Awesome as always Aidan.
    You know some days you just think this is not working, then you hear stories of real people making it work and you get motivated again. I lost my Mojo for ages but now I am back and following you closely, love all the information you give us access to.
    Thank you and thanks to Melissa.

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Vee, it’s easy to lose mojo from time to time…it’s often a struggle to stay motivated at the beginning, once you start making money though, that all changes quite quickly πŸ™‚ Keep at it, and thanks for commenting πŸ™‚

  11. jason says:

    It was inspiring.. It will help a lot of newly bloggers to build their positive confident..

  12. Loreen says:


    Thank you so very much for sharing this! It was remarkably helpful and really encouraging!

    Melissa is clearly passionate about this and you are (in my experience) one of the most PATIENT and compassionate teachers in the industry! I love that you don’t hold anything back and freely give this information which is truly helpful and not just a little piece of the puzzle like so many others offer.

    I particularly liked Melissa’s Squidoo lens AND her advice to research the niche thoroughly before starting (what a great way to work SMART). This was a fantastic way to begin my day. I’m encouraged and ready to go build again!

    The audio was really fine… didn’t take away from grabbing all of the remarkable tips and fantastic advice.

    Thanks again for this enlightening post!

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Loreen, thank YOU for the feedback, I appreciate it! I was quite worried about the audio to be honest, but I’m glad you managed to hear most parts of it. I’m glad this encouraged you a little!

  13. Aidan – Thanks this was very helpful & interesting! Appreciate you sharing this information.

  14. Arnold says:

    Hey Aidan

    Thank you so much for posting this interview. WOW she is doing a great job and you are providing great value to us. I am working on my Kindle books to release at the end of this month, and planning to do everything you teach. I am on the Page one Platinum. I am really excited with all your back linking strategies etc. So thank you again; I hope pretty soon I will be implementing everything. Great job Aidan.

    Thank you again.

    • Aidan says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the interview Arnold – I enjoyed filming it! Good work with your Kindle books, keep moving forward, apply the Page One Evolution tactics once you’ve got a Kindle Book page and you’ll drive more traffic and sales πŸ™‚

  15. Rieke says:

    Thanks Aidan for the transcript as I still prefer reading :).

    Your coaching/mentoring is awesome and Melissa a living proof that if one take action the result is round the corner. WTG

  16. Peter Venter says:

    Hi Aidan
    Is it possible to get a link to download the video above?. My ADSL connection is super slow and it’s going to take forever to watch.
    Just asking

  17. John Levy says:

    Dear Aidan,

    Thank you so very much for this motivational piece. I am just about to commence with my training, and already so-called “experts” are telling me that I cannot be successful, or that it is too late, or that Google has somehow changed the rules…blah, blah, blah.

    Now I fully realize that I still have the opportunity of a lifetime learning from you, and I intend to seize the moment.

    Thanks, Aidan


  18. Jacob says:


    Great Video. Thanks Man. I appreciate all you do. Question. Win will you open up Page One Evolution and what is the difference between that and Rank and Pillage.

    Thanks in advance,


    • Aidan says:

      Hi Jacob, thanks for the feedback πŸ™‚

      Theres no date on when Page One Evolution will be open again…it may be for a 24 hour period in a few months time, but it’s not set in stone yet. As for the differences with Rank and Pillage, it’s mainly about being up to date…a lot has changed since 2011 when R&P was released, also P1E is ONLY laser focused on SEO, R&P was less focused on SEO, and more generic in nature.

  19. Dave Christensen says:

    Inspiring! Indeed!

    I listened to the interview at a time when I was stewing about how my traffic (on one site) had dropped off and I got a little pick-me-up. It arrived at a good time for me.

    Thanks for that Aidan & Melissa.

    I think Melissa has set the bar very high, and is what I need to strive for.

  20. Owen says:

    Thanks for the insight into Melissa’s progress. It was very inspiring.
    Looking forward to future e-mails.

  21. Andrie says:

    Yes, i agree.

    Where you come from, your experience, your age, your background, the language you speak, your technical skills, your results online so far, or your financial situation, you CAN succeed online

    i’m from Indonesia. When i trust to Aidan, and follow the training,
    i can make money online now. (sorry, my language not good enough)

    My website have 100+ traffic per day now.

    Thanks Aidan.

  22. Ted says:

    Hi Aidan,

    In the transcript it mentions that the theme she’s using is available to Page One members. I’m a member but don’t see it anywhere?



    • Aidan says:

      Hi Ted, I actually made a mistake in that transcript, the theme was a bonus for Page One Evolution members who upgraded to the Silver or Platinum options, it wasn’t included with the $9.97 option…sorry about that!

  23. Eric says:

    Hi Aidan,
    What an exciting and useful video for new IM like me. Do you think that microniche aiming is nolonger a good way for ranking now?

    • Aidan says:

      Micro-niches can still work, but I prefer to focus on building authority sites (which can start out with just 10 pages).

  24. Mario says:

    She said something towards the end that is perfect advice for those starting out. Don’t get hung up on one site.

    Congrats Melissa, I’ve watched you grow since you’ve been in the forums. You are prime example of how people should do this business. I’m glad that you are successful :).

  25. thomas says:

    I’m confused when I look at look at the numbers at SEMRUSH. When I look at SEMRUSH on you video I notice that it had good numbers for Jan. 13 but when I look at the current numbers it show it had fallen of to nothing. I understand that revisions are made I get that but what has happened to the site to make it’s traffic plummet to nothing? Google penalty comes to mind but I still see a page rank of 1. Please explain to us what has happened and why?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Thomas,

      I’m not really sure what you mean? The sites I showed stats for in SEMRush in the interview have got great traffic…the traffic hasn’t dropped of at all? Are you referring to one of your own sites?

  26. Thomas says:

    Hi Aidan

    Sorry I posted my last question in haste. I should have taken the time to clarify myself. If I put “” into semrush it shows no traffic for Dec, Jan, and Feb when looking at google/us metrics. Could you show us the best way to evaluate traffic?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi Thomas, thanks for clarifying πŸ™‚ is still relatively new, so it’s not rally surprising that data isn’t showing up in SEMRUsh yet.

      For evaluating traffic for keywords, the Google tool is the best option, but even that’s quite inaccurate sometimes.

      Note: I removed the other domain name you had in your comment – that is not really a public domain and was used as an example only for people who purchased Rank And Pillage Gold membership.

  27. Arnold says:

    Hey Aidan

    I hope you get this on time! It is 10 minute past 8 PM EDT, I am logged in to the webinar, but I believe in Argentina you did not know about the time change here in the USA. So I imagine we will see you at 9 PM.

    In any case you are doing a great job and I do not mind waiting because you are one of a kind. Have a great day.

    • Aidan says:

      Thanks for pointing this out Arnold, if it wasn’t for you, I would have turned up even later – I didn’t know that Eastern Time Change was happening on Sunday…I’ll know for next time!

  28. AJ says:

    How does she generate all the content, informative articles, etc. for the sites she creates? Where does she get all the pictures from?

    • Aidan says:

      Hi AJ, Melissa writes the content herself (although it could easily be outsourced), I’m not sure where she gets the ideas from, probably just looks at what other sites are doing and brainstorms…

      Images are most likely from and (I’m not 100% sure as it’s not my website).

  29. Michael says:

    Thanks for the update on this site! I am following along with PageOneEvolution and having a BLAST! Your training is wonderful, and to find out you are connected with Steve and Tim just confirms my faith in what you bring to the table. Thanks for all your hard work. Anxiously awaiting last night’s replay as I was in a meeting at my day job for the first half hour so didn’t catch it all.

    Absolutley awesome!

    I already see results on my sites, keywords are showing up in the MS ranking updates.

    • Aidan says:

      Hey Michael, thanks for the comment and for being part of “Page One Evolution” AND “Your First $500 Online”, great to have you with me πŸ™‚

      The replay for the training last night is now available. Good to hear you’re seeing results already, keep at it and more will come!!

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