And just like that, we’re in May.
As I write this I’m sitting in an airport lounge in Miami on my way back to Argentina. I’ve just wrapped up a few days of meetings with some of my team and partners, and enjoyed the Formula 1 racing. here are a few snapshots:
With a quarter of the year in the books, I’m very excited about the 9 months ahead on both a personal and business front.
Personally, I’ve got a couple of fun vacations planned with the family, including a first time trip to Disney World for the kids, and a couple of weeks in Europe.
On the business front we’re seeing incredible results and leverage with new AI technologies, like ChatGPT and others. Not only are we using these to rapidly speed up operations, we’re also building new functionality into our software tools (like Cartzy, SendPad and others) to further streamline operations – if you’re a user of one of these tools, expect some good news coming your way in the months ahead
Over the past month I’ve released a series of new podcasts over at, including these ones:
Books I’ve Read
Right now I’m reading or have read a few new books, including:
Focus, by Al Ries
The Story of Lululemon, by Chip Wilson
Antifragile, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb<
I’ll leave you with a quote today, from Napoleon Hill, about seizing the opportunity and making the most of the remaining three quarters of the year ahead:
Chat soon, and let me know what you are up to this month!
Hi Aidan, I was there this past weekend too! We could have passed each other. It’s inspiring to see how you and your team are leveraging new AI technologies like ChatGPT to improve business operations and streamline software tools like Cartzy and SendPad. I’m sure that users of these tools will be thrilled to hear about the new functionality you are working on.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights, and I wish you and your team all the best in the months ahead. I’m busy on my 123 Profit, hope to meet you some time soon!
Shelly C.
Never been to Formula 1, it’s on my bucket list! Happy travels, and it sounds like you have a lot planned this summer. Im involved in your new course on affiliate marketing, hope to build 3 and have them generating money by the summer.
I have that Lululemon book on order, heard it’s a great read on what to do and NOT to do as an antrepreneur. How did you find it?
It’s actually quite fascinating. I’ve read tons of business biographies, Chip talks a lot about his early years and some really interesting stories about himself and his personal development and journies. Found some great practical business advice as well
Hi Aidan, Great to see you guys enjoying yourselves! Formula One is so exciting, isn’t it? Interested to hear more news on what you’re doing with AI and Chat GPT too. Thanks for keeping us updated.
I really enjoyed your recent ep with Sean! Inspired me to step up my points game! Apparently there’s sooo much I could be doing with those and I’ve just been ignoring them for the most part.
Exciting year ahead indeed!! Cartzy’s been helping me so much, so I only wish you and the team the best of the best. J
Wish I bumped into you in Formula 1! Happy to see you guys getting some break.
AI’s been a lot of help for my business, so I’m keeping posted on what you’ll be doing next!
Love that you’re still able to read despite your what I assume to be busy schedule! What’s your secret?? I hope I could do it too!